This week the Brazilian band Angra is going to release in Europe "Secret Garden", his eighth full-length studio album. So we've contacted with Felipe Andreoli to chat about this release and the band's future plans.
> ¡Lee la versión en Castellano aquí! <
Hi Felipe! Is a pleassure chat with you a little bite again. First of all, congratulations for your "Secret Garden". How are you?
Felipe - I’m fine, thanks! Thanks for the interview!
How was the composition of this album? Maybe difficult because the distance (Brasil-Italy) with Fabio?
The composition process started in November last year, and it was a gradual process. First Kiko, Rafa and I stared exchanging ideas and getting together to write at our homes. This way we gathered over 30 song ideas that we then filtered to work only on the best ones. When we already had it down to about 13, 14 songs, Fabio joined us in Brazil, and he contributed greatly with melodies, mainly. We stayed one week at my family’s beach house in Ilhabela and it was super productive. From there we went to the rehearsal room with Bruno, who had just joined the band, and the songs took a near-final shape.
You´ve recorded the album in Studio Grohndal, in Stockholm if I´m not wrong, why did you choose this studio?
It’s actually called Fascination Street Studios, and it’s owned by our producer Jens Bogren. He has one studio in Stockholm (Grohndal) and another one in Orebro. Studio Grohndal uses the same space but another producer owns it. We chose to work with Jens because we wanted to shift to a heavier, more modern sound. Jens has been doing some impressive work with bands we admire, so he was an easy choice. We’re really happy with how everything turned out.
Bruno Valverde is the third drummer in the history of Angra, very young and full skill indeed, how was the Bruno´s adaptation to the band?
Bruno’s adaptation was instant! He was already playing with Kiko and I in Kiko’s solo band for 2 years before he joined the band, so we knew him well. He’s a very talented drummer and an awesome overall musician, and he was already familiar with the Angra material. For me he has the best balance of musicality and technique in all the drummers we had.
Is his first studio album?
No. He has done some very intense studio work in Brazil for quite some time, playing with artists of different styles, which made him very versatile and comfortable in a recording situation.
Let´s talk about the songs!! Why did you choose "Newborn Me" as the main single?
I think this song represents the album very well, because it is so varied. It’s heavy but has softer parts, long solo sections, technical parts, etc. We didn’t want to come up with, say, a power metal song, because this is not what this record is about. It’s about variety and having different moods.
"Secred Garden" has powerfull songs like "Black Hearted Soul" or "Perfect Symmetry", what songs do you think will work better in your shows?
I think “Black Hearted Soul” turned out to be one of our best power metal songs, so my bet is on this one.
You have worked with Doro and Simone in a few songs of this album, how it was working with them?
It was great! They are very talented singers and have a lot of personality in their voices. We were delighted to hear the interpreting the songs we wrote, and I’m curious as to how it would sound like live.
Do you have some tour in mind after the launch of "Secret Garden"?
Sure! We already have next year’s general schedule in mind, and we’re working on the specific dates for each tour. We already confirmed Wacken, ProgPower USA, a Japanese tour in May, some Latin American shows, but there’s a lot more to be scheduled. As always all dates will be on our website,
Maybe a World Tour in a future? We wish to see you again in Spain as soon as possible!
That’s what we have in mind, to cover as many territories as possible! Playing in Spain is always great, so look forward to it!
How is the relationship with Edu Falaschi after his breakup with the band?
We have a relation of mutual respect. Edu is a great part of what Angra is today, and he will always be welcome for a guest appearance.
I think that was everything. Thank you so much for your time, I hope we can see you in our country again soon, and very good luck with your new album!!
Thank you! Hope to see you soon!
Interview by Ivrael